Why do the files saved on my AFG3000 series generator have a January 01+ 1980 timestamp on all the files that I save?
The arbitrary/function generator does not have an internal real time clock. If you create a file using the Edit menu of the instrument, the date and time information is displayed like “TEKAFG001.TFW JAN 01 00:00 1980”.
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Produktreihe AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator AFG3000C Arbiträr-/Funktionsgenerator
FAQ-ID 57051
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