What modules are available for the CSA/TDS8000-series?
The latest version of the software supports the following electrical plug-ins:
80E01, 80E02, 80E03, 80E04, 80E06, 80E07, 80E08, 80E09, 80E10
The following optical plug-ins are currently supported:
80C01, 80C02, 80C07, 80C08C, 80C10, 80C11, and 80C12 modules, as well as superseded modules 80C03, 80C04, 80C05, 80C06, 80C08, 80C08B, 80C09.
Also supported are the accessories plug-ins (note that some of these can be powered by a power cable connected to the "Trigger Power connector":
80A01: Trigger Amplifier module
80A02: Probe andTDR static-protection module
80A03: Tek Connect Active Probe Power Module
80A05: Clock Recovery module
80A06: PatternSync Trigger module
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