What is the difference between the 80C07 and the 80C07B?
The main difference between the 80C07 and the 80C07B is the Bessel Thompson filters and Clock Recovery rates. The 80C07 was limited to three filters and three (optional) Clock Recovery Rates. They were: 155Mb/sec, 622Mb/sec, and 2.488Gb/sec.
The 80C07B has two, filter rates standard: 2.488Gb/sec and 2.5.00Gb/sec. In addition, you can select up to two of the following filter rates: 155Mb/sec, 622Mb/sec, 1.063Gb/sec, 1.250Gb/sec, 2.125Gb/sec.
The optional clock recovery for 80C07B supports the following rates: 155Mb/sec, 622Mb/sec, 1.063Gb/sec, 1.250Gb/sec, 2.125Gb/sec, 2.488Gb/sec, 2.500Gb/sec, and 2.666Gb/sec.
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