The TSG1001 shows FRAME TIMEOUT ERROR. What does this mean and what can be done?
FRAME TIMEOUT ERROR on the TSG1001 means that the signals loaded to the TSG1001 have been lost. The likely cause is that the batteries used to hold signals in RAM have discharged.
Plug in the TSG1001. Turn on power and allow the batteries to charge 18 hours. Load the signals to the TSG1001 using the SDP1000 software. Remove the power and then reconnect and see if the signals remain in memory. If yes, the batteries have taken a charge.
If the signals do not remain in memory, the batteries will need to be replaced. Remove the bottom cover and locate the three AA batteries. Remove the old batteries, clean the terminals if necessary, and install three new AA NICAD batteries. Be sure to use HIGH TEMP rated NICAD batteries. Reinstall the cover, and charge as above. Load the signals to the TSG1001.
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