TDS5000B: How do I save waveform data?
TheTDS5000B supports saving data in the following formats: .wfm (internal reference memory), .csv (comma separated value or Excel format), .txt (text file format), and .dat (Matlab and Mathcad format).
To save waveform data as a .wfm file, which can be recalled into the scope later, select the proper source (CH1, Math1, Ref1, etc.) and select either a reference memory location such as REF1 or a folder with a filename.
To save waveform data as either .csv, .txt, or .dat file select the format in the “Save as Type” menu. Below is an example of saving data as a .csv file.
If the “Save as type” menu only allows .wfm format make sure the “Source” menu displays any source other than “All Displayed” as this option only supports .wfm file format.
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