How do I set up the Microsoft Java VM to be the default JVM in Internet Explorer?
It is not uncommon for a computer to stop being able to connect to an MTM400 after installing or upgrading Sun Java. This happens because when Sun Java is installed or upgraded it sets itself to be the default JVM for Internet Explorer but the Java control panel does not always reflect this change. To change back to using the Microsoft JVM by default please follow these steps:
1. Enable Sun Java as the default JVM for Internet Explorer by checking the “Internet Explorer” checkbox in the “Browser” tab of the Java control panel as shown below:
2. Click “Apply” to save these changes. You should see a dialog box similar to the following:
3. Click “OK” then Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
4. Close Microsoft Internet Explorer.
5. Disable Sun Java as the default JVM for Internet Explorer by un-checking the “Internet Explorer” checkbox in the “Browser” tab of the Java control panel as shown below:
6. Click the “Apply” button to save these changes.
Now Sun Java should be disabled as the default JVM for Internet Explorer and the Microsoft JVM should take over when accessing an MTM400.
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