Are there enclosures available for the STA-300 or STP-3110?
Product(s) :PCI/ISA Accessories: STA-300 or STP-3110
Question : Are there enclosures available for the STA-300 or STP-3110?
Answer:Keithley does not offer a generic enclosure for the STA-300 or STP-3110 wiring accessories. However, a third party vender called Enclosures of America International, LTD manufactures a suitable enclosure.
Within EIA's Ultra line of enclosures, the following part numbers could be used:
EAI part # UOOL-110-ABS002 Case (1-pcs.)EAI Part # SCR-04-002 Screws (4-pcs.)
EAI Part # UPL-111 Alum. Plate (2-pcs.)
The above part number calls out a generic off white Ultra enclosure. Other colored enclosures are available. Note: the Aluminum Plates will have to be machined for specific i/o connection.
You can contact EAI directly (847)918-9800 or visit their web site at:
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