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RF Generic-Plug-in für AWG70000-Serie und SourceXpress

HF-Signale werden zunehmend komplexer und erschweren die genaue Erzeugung der für das Testen und Charakterisieren eines HF-Systems erforderlichen Signale. Zur Lösung dieses Problems stellt RF Generic erweiterte Funktionen zur Synthese digital modulierter Basisband-, IF- und HF-/Mikrowellensignale bereit, die eine breite Palette von Modulationsschemata unterstützen.

Die benutzerfreundliche grafische Oberfläche des RF Generic-Plug-ins lässt sich nahtlos in die Benutzeroberfläche der AWG70000-Serie und die SourceXpress -Plattform integrieren.

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US $9,920 +
RF Generic Plug-in for AWG70000 Series and SourceXpress
Feature Benefit
Baseband analog or digital IQ, IF and RF/microwave signal generation on AWG Series Synthesize waveforms directly. Apply impairments such as quadrature error and imbalance or non-linear impairments, or add interferences and multipaths during waveform creation. Replay signals at desired frequency or output.
Versatile carrier signal generation
  • Create single or Multi-carrier signals where each carrier is independently defined. RF Generic also allows for easy addition of modulated analog signals or noise signals.
  • Define and create carrier frequency hopping patterns
  • Define and apply a power ramping profile to the transmitted signal with control over ramp function, duration, position and amplitude.
Support for a wide range of modulation schemes Define baseband I and Q signals using a variety of predefined modulation schemes such as, BPSK, QPSK, PI/4 QPSK, OQPSK, SDPSK, 8-PSK, O-8PSK, up to QAM1024, GMSK, up to 32-FSK, and analog modulations.
Designed with integration in mind RF Generic has support for a Programmatic Interface built-in, allowing for immediate integration into existing workflows.
Offline Mode All of the Tektronix waveform creation Plug-ins are designed to also run on an external PC via the SourceXpress platform, thereby reducing the time taken to synthesize large waveforms and leaving the AWG free for continued testing.